Me like!!

I have really become a fan of Spanish music, or at least music where they sing in Spanish! One of my new favorites is this one:

This is a really good album!! :) Me like!!


De sensate åren har detta varit höjdpunkten på året när det gäller att öppna brev!! Så idag var det samma sak när det mörkblå kuvertet landade på min säng när mamma kastade det till mig. Eftersom jag i år verkligen, verkligen behöver pengar eftersom det inte är helt klart med jobb och så, så hade jag verkligen andan i halsen och hjärtat i halsgropen när jag skulle öppna det!! Och när jag läste vad jag skulle få i år så kunde ja bara skratta av lycka!! Ibland är det bra att betala för mycket skatt!! Jag vet ju att det är mina egna pengar, eftersom det jag som betalat för mycket men det känns ändå alltid som en bonus!!:)

Work, work and a bit more of work...then YAY!!

My last few days in Sweden will mostly be spent at Ica Supermarket!! My great work where I mostly spend time in the deli!!:)  Now I’ve got work booked up until Saturday afternoon and then finally there’s only fun things happening before I actually go!! Now it’s only 10 days left and I’m so excited about going!! Can’t wait!! Especially now when the heat seems to have arrived in Italy too, I deserve some warmth and sun during the two weeks of vacation I’ll actually get before I go to Spain again!! Love it!!




Life in a bubble


Yeeeees, that’s exactly how it feels to stay at Mum’s again as I am in fact in the middle of nowhere where the little thing called cell phone reception is non-existing!! So annoying!! I have to get dressed and walk out to the middle of the road to get a little, little bit of reception so that I can send a message! And sometimes if I’m really, really lucky it works inside if I’ve been walking around the whole house searching for it like 5 mins!! And if I possibly get it sent from the inside of the house it usually takes at least 30 mins before it gets delivered or worse case the text bounces into some tree on the way and thereby gets lost into space somehow!! So please people, if I don’t answer your text message straight away please don’t be mad, there’s a great possibility that I haven’t even got it!!  So if you get to eager please give me a ring on Mum’s phone instead, and you selected crowd who wants to that I suppose already has got the number, otherwise e-mail if you don’t have it already!! Or Facebook me!!



I ordered a lovely dress from H&M internet shop like in beginning of my stay here at home. Though unfortunately it was not supposed to arrive until end of April…and I who really wanted it so that I could use this summer in Spain, was quite sad about that fact, but felt a bit better when Mum told she would send it to my for my B-day! But today when I went to get what I thought was the bikini, it was not only the bikini in the package but there was also the dress!! YAY!! Oh yeah; I’m shallow!! But what girl doesn’t love a beautiful dress???


Best part of the beach-season!

Is the new bikini!! Every year I buy a new one!! And every year I search for a bandaue one and I never find it, but this year I suceeded!! So I can't wait for this baby to arrive!! Mine is green though...

Wish I had that beautiful body and that tan too...but unfortunately it's not  included in the price!! Shitte!!

Love them!!

I can't wait to wear these now when it's spring and all!!:)


Finally salary after 1,5 month of living on my mum and borrowing money...geee I really hate it!! Worst thing though..I didn't get as much as I expected and my budget was already tight!! But I will sort it somehow!! I always do!! And Thank God for next month's salary: it will make me rich! I've more or less worked full-time in March!!

Anyway this means, today everything is booked! Flights sorted the other day though, but now I've got my train tickets too: so all set!!! I really can't wait!!

Today it's exactly 2 weeks til I'm in Forlì with Lee just having fun for about 2 weeks until we go to Seville!! I'll stay til August if I get work that is (which I think I will) and Lee will go back after a week! Still we have 3 weeks together which is much better than 8 weeks apart!! :)

Good times!!

And OMG that run yesterday is killing me today, my ass feels sore!! lol

Äntligen lön efter att ha levt på mamma och lånat pengar av allt och alla...usch jag hatar det verkligen!! Det värsta dock är att lönen blev mindre än beräknat och min budget var redan tajt!! Men det löser sig på nåt sätt! Det gör det ju alltid!! Och tacka guden: nästa månad bli jag rik iaf!! Har ju i stort sett jobbat hel-tid i mars!!

Oavsett!! Det här betyder nu är allt bokat. Fixade flyget häromdagen dock men nu är även tåg och sovplatser här och där bokade! Så allt fixat!! Nu vill jag bara åka!!

Idag är det exakt 2 veckor kvar tills jag åker och då blir det 2 härliga veckor med Lee i Italien först och sedan ytterligare en vecka i Sevilla ihop! Och så stannar jag ju till augusti och Lee baar den veckan men han åker snart tillbaka igen också! Så det blir 3 veckor tillsammans vilket är mycket bättre än 8 isär!!:)

Gött mos!!:)

Oh, shit alltså min lilla löpar-tur igår har verkligen satt sina spår idag känner jag! Vilken träningsvärk i röven!!:)


Yeah, as I was sitting inside all day yesterday before getting to work I didn’t really realize that the weather was actually getting better. But today, as I’ve got absolutely nothing to do as I got no work, I decided it was time for that dreaded run! I have really been pushing it onto the future as I know I’m really not in my best shape now…


But I ran off and it was amazing!! Ok, I admit I didn’t manage to run my full route so I finished with some power-walking, but OMG it feels good even though I thought I was going to die the first 5-10 mins. After a semester with too much of everything good in life I guess it was time to pay, but I’m going to hang in there and keep it up! And next week I can bring Ludde (he needs it more than I!!) and I have actually decided I’m going to ride the bike to work at least a couple of days if the weather stays as good as it is right now!And tomorrow I’m going to swim too, ohh I missed it so much! Shit that they changed the price so much though from 2 til 4 euros. That’s shitty but totally worth it!!


I don’t think I have realized before how much I missed exercising! Not only my head has missed it, my body longs for it. It might be true I have lost some of weight very quickly lately  but my body is the worst shape ever. . Which is not very strange as I’ve gone from exercising 5-6 times a week til nothing at all more or less!! I need exercise again so seriously I’m joining a gym asap when I go to Seville!



Yeah, eftersom jag satt inne hela dagen innan jag skulle iväg till jobbet så insåg jag inte att vädret faktiskt började bli bättre. Men idag, eftersom jag har absolut ingenting att göra eftersom jag inte har nåt jobb idag, så bestämde jag mg för att jag skulle ta tag i den förbannade löpningen. Jag har verkligen skjutit den på framtiden eftersom jag inte är i min bästa form just nu…


Men jag sprang iväg och det var underbart! Jag kan erkänna att jag inte sprang hela rutten jag stakat ut utan jag avslutade med lite power-walking, men seriöst det var riktigt gött även att jag trodde jag skulle dö de 5-10 första minutrarna!! Efter en termin med alldeles för mycket av allt det goda i livet så var det väl dags att betala, men jag ska kämpa på och fortsätta! Nästa vecka kan jag ju dra med Ludde också (han behöver det förmodligen mer än jag!!) dessutom har jag tänkt att det är dags att börja cykla till jobbet! Med detta underbara vädret är ju inte det några problem!! Och imorgon ska jag simma också, jag har saknat det så mycket! Det är skit att de har höjt priset dock, från 20 till 40 kr!! Det är verkligen skit, men det är värt det!!


Jag tror inte att jag har förstått hur mycket jag har saknat min träning! Det är inte bara huvudet utan hela min kropp som längtar efter den! Det är sant att jag har gått ner i vikt ganska snabbt på det senaste men min kropp är i sämsta möjliga skick någonsin!! Inte konstigt att det är stor skillnad från träning 5-6 ggr i veckan till mer eller mindre ingenting…Jag behöver träning och att hitta ett gym i Sevilla är det första jag ska göra!!




Är jag inte lite lik pappa på denna bilden??



Still some snow left though...





I was just watching the weather report and: Spring is coming this weekend! It¨s going to rise from +2 til +10-14 degrees!! Doesn't like warmth for other people but when we aactually had -8 the other day 20th of March..just a few + degrees make me smiling happy!! I hope it will get even warmer for Easter as some years ago I could wear short skirt and a small top at that time of the year! I want to that again!!

I want bare feet!!

Seems like I'm getting lucky... I might have a job going on! At least I've got some kind interview set for when I get back to Sevilla!! And I still hope for an opening at Michael's too!! I'm just a bit concerned of how much I'm going to have to work as I wanna be able to go to Italy a couple of times in June and as I want loads of people to visit me!! But I sort it somehow!! I always do! I'm just feeling happy for the fact that I'm going to be in Sevilla and that Lee will be with me (if he gets a job that is!!) which is going to be really nice after this time apart! I really can't wait to go!!

Days and nights I will never forget!!

OMG: really good times!!

All the small things....

Small things in life can make you so happy. Like staying in all night talking about all and nothing or having a glass of red wine a Saturday night! It’s sometimes hard to appreciate the small things because they are always around you but we should all put some effort into it, as at least I think we should feel a bit happier! There are so many things we should feel grateful for instead of just complaining. Being Swedish and all that I know this is hard because our life seem to have no other point than talking badly of other people and complaining about the weather..and yeah I do it too!! But I’m really feeling it’s time for a change! I should not complain because of the snow, I should in deed appreciate the fact that we actually had a winter with snow from December until now for the first time of life! It has been beautiful!! And soon spring will be here and it will be great, it’s already becoming much brighter in the morning, like today it became daylight at 6.30! No that bad, and now as the snow is coming off, I could actually go for a run! Amazing!! So good times, let them come! Things can only get better!!


Be happy!!:)

New positive me!!:)

I feel like it’s time to write something positive!! Several weeks have passed on the emotional rollercoaster for me and to be honest I’m so fed up with it!! I get fed up with myself for being so negative and for complaining and for feeling upset about things I really can’t do anything about!! So pleas old cheerful, happy Åsa please re-enter the stage!!:) I have loads of things to look forward to:


1)  Going to Italy and be with Lee!!

2)  Going to Seville and meet my friends!!

3)  Getting my new room and hopefully a job (seems more likely now, soon it’s getting warmer and people are going to Seville!)

4)  Spending three weeks or whatever it gets to be at Michael’s: that can only be fun!!

5)  I’ve been promised an awesome b-day in Seville by Lee!!

6)  Going to Marbella with Lovisa, Lee and Michael if things work out as planned!!

7)  Working loads of hours at Ica which will give me loads of money!

8)   Being able to walk down the street and get red wine at the supermarket in Seville, oh I’ve missed that!! Love Sweden where you have to go (from where I live now) about 30 km to get some alcohol! Good thing though: I’ve only had some drinks like 3 times since I got back…compare that to Seville!! It’s like detox here!! Lol

9)   My plan is join a gym asap!! I miss my exercise!!

10)  I can run along the river again!!

11)  It will be warm and sunny!!

12)  A trip to “Isla Mágica” might be on the agenda too!

13)  Speaking Spanish for about 4 months!

14)  Go to England and see something else than London!!

15)  Staying at Martina’s for a week!

16)  Swimming next week!!

17)  Still got some substituting to do!! I love my awesome job there!! OMG teaching is the best thing!! I never want to do anything else for the rest of my life!! It’s my calling!!

18)  Having some great last days in Sweden with all of my best friends and with my family!! Ohh I will miss you when I go!! I hope you all go and visit me when the flights get cheap in July as Ryanair starts to travel from Gothenburg to Málaga (which is only like 2 h away) and that means that even you friends who are students should be able to pay me a visit!!:) lol


Back in the days!! OMG!!


Swedish people on ganster tour in Seville!! Here with orange- picther Carolin!!



Martina and I,  Midsommar 2009


When did I become such an emotional smock?? I don’t get it..before I have always been quite confident and controlled and I have never been really bothered if someone talked badly about me. But now somehow it really affects me, and I become all cry-ey and upset like a woman in entering the menopause…what’s going on? I get sad for every little nasty comment I get either on Facebook (which now has become a media I don’t appreciate as much anymore) or in real life and I really take it personal. Before I have always washed it away thinking, they are just stupid people who don’t know any better…but maybe the reason why I get so upset this time is because I know I have actually done something wrong… Though I wonder how long I’m will have to pay for this “mistake”??


When it comes to feelings it’s something you can’t control…





So today I have packed!! Might seem like a bit too early in some people’s ears but it isn’t really! Mum and my stepdad are going north this Saturday to help my old granny who’s become sick very rapidly but this means they pass my sister’s house on their way and tha they, if I am lucky, can leave some of my stuff there to store it when I’m gone these months!! ….And it also means I have to stay somewhere else for a week, and that is at Martina’s house! But until then I work tomorrow and they are going Saturday then and after that I have work every day until I leave! So when I actually had the day off today (more or less, substituted in one class this morning) I packed my suit cases. And I felt exactly as the last time…what am I going to fit in that suit case?


It was much easier today though as I had done it once before and now I only need summer clothes more or less!! Thank God for that!! Though I will probably swear this summer when the temperature reaches about 50 degrees!! Anyway I managed to pack within the limits for once! Only 12.6 kg on the big one and 5.4 in the small one but I need to room my laptop in it to and it’s quite heavy, but hopefully it won’t push the limit of 10kg!! It’s good that I’m quite small so that I don’t need that much space for my clothes!! Lol!!


So the last few weeks will probably pass quite quickly! Haven’t got loads of work next week though but I guess that will change soon!!:) And next week I’ll meet to of my old friends that I haven’t seen for a while!  And after next week it’s work everyday and then I’ll end the week of Easter with my old girls!!:) Last time I’ll meet them before I go! More I leave on the Monday morning to Carolin’s house for a couple of days to meet my former class mates! Long time no see I can tell! After that a quick stay at Lovisa’s sister place! (OMG it sounds as if I am homeless, crashing at people’s houses!!) And then: Finally off to Italy the 8th!!




This is a pictur from the last time I went, my big suit case is now a bit smaller as someone working at the airport thought it would be fun to trash one of the wheels!! So goodbye to the biggest and best suit case I'v ever had!!:(




Things getting sorted!!

So finally things are getting sorted in Sevilla!! I found a room a while ago and I took it!! So now I’m going to live in lovely Nervión when I go back. Quite alright location and a great price of rent: only 250 euros a month with both gas, and internet included! Much better than 420 euros I had to pay before, though now I won’t have 2 mins to walk the river and nooo not a 20 m2 terrace! But it’s alright as long as I get a cheaper rent! My new landlord seems ace too! Only 22 years old and he is Spanish! +there is another Spanish woman who lives in the flat which means more time to practise the beautiful language!! So it sounds great!! I’m so excited, though I won’t get it til 14th of May so I have to stay at Michael’s for while: which is also great!! We are going to have so much fun together: as always!!


And Michael has found work at a bar close to his home, and they are looking for more staff so hopefully I can work there too! It would be a lot of fun working with Michael, I’m so going to miss him when I go back to Sweden again this fall, as he has really been my best friend since day one! And if I don’t get a job there I might have another bar where I can work and I have applied for some academies where they need English teachers. That would be the best as I love my teaching: it’s so much fun! I love every day now when I’ve been at my old High School teaching Spanish, I really feel like I’m doing what I want to do! :)


So room and maybe work sorted, now I just have to wait for that bastard salary so I can buy my flights! I don’t understand the Swedish system with getting paid one month after you have been working! What’s that all about??


Can’t wait to go back and meet everyone again!! Best thing is that Lovisa is going the same time as I so I’ll get a couple of weeks with her, and I really hope she’ll get a job in Sevilla for the summer too so that she can come back! It would be so much fun gathering the old crew again: Me, Michael, Lee and Lovisa!!:)


Thinking of the right of my own feelings

Sometimes I wonder how much I am to write here...It's my life so I should be able to post anything I like without anyone should be bothered by it. I talked to my ex today and he said that he wasn't a big fan of one my earlier entries as he thougth that I was seeking pity and compassion from his friends...which is not really what I meant. What he was referring to was "and the mutual friends of me and Patrik have all parted with him as I'm an hidious person breaking up with him". What I was thinking was that: yes, I handled this in a really bad way, yes I know, but thing is: I'm still the same person as I was before! The only thing that has changed is that I'm not going to spend the rest of life with Patrik anymore...I thought we were all good friends and now I realized maybe that was not the case.. I'm sorry if anyone felt offended by what I wrote...for that I apologize.

Best blog ever!!! Never laugh as much as when reading this!!

My crazy friend Michael writing about Erasmus-life in Sevilla!! He's getting a degree in journalism, so his writing is "excellent" as Linda would say!!:) OMG miss "Little Britain"!! Pronto!!:)

A bit more positive today!!

I'e realized what Sweden does mostly to me more than bore me is that it makes me complain! I should really look at upsides instead: I still got friends even thought they are a bit far away, it's been a really good winter, I get to spend time with me family, I have a job or actually two in the time of the worst recession of all time, I got a really good place to do my teacher application, I'm going to Gothenbur this weekend to spend time with my brothers and I'm seeing Camilla tonight, I'm lucky as I've met a wonderful guy! So I'm going to try my  best being un-Swedish and complain less!! And I think I have to go back to my Spanish way of thinking: Life is good!!

Thumbs up asMichal would say!!:) (here we are at Phoenix-our favorite Irish pub)

Wants to be somewhere else...

Right now I just want to go...for every day I spend in Sweden I dislike it more. The only thing I like about being at home is spending time with mum and the rest of the family. My life in Sweden is depressing especially where I live..there's nothing to do!! I've got no friends here anymore since my friends have all moved away, and I can't visit hem a I've got no money...And the mutual friends of me and Patrik have all parted with him as I'm an hidious person breaking up with him. So whatever social life I had before is long gone.. And what do I pass my days with? Working, working, working...or sitting hours in front of the computer by night trying to stay in touch we the few friends I still have got. Lesson to be learned: never build your life around only one person.....I never felt so lonely in my life.... It feels like an viscious cycle...

I just want to go back to my sunny, happy days in Seville where life is amazing every day! Wehere there's all to do and where all my friends are! I miss some of you so fucking much!! And I miss Lee, starting something new on distance is shit....I wish I were rich and so that I could go now! These 3 weeks and 5 days will feel like the longest in my life!!

Pronto mis amogos!! No puedo esperar!!

Doing what I love..


I’m going to spend next week teaching at the local high school; can’t wait for that! My tutor asked me to prepare a little bit of speech about how it is living in Spain. To share my experiences, show some pictures etc…and to speak in Spanish of course! I miss speaking in Spanish, it’s the best even though I get very lazy a lot of the time and therefore speaks in English instead! Better work on that- It’s a shame I’m such a lazy f_cker!


I love the weeks when I get to teach at this school, it’s my 5th week now..and the last one’s been awesome. My tutor is really great and he gives me both space and opportunity to teach as I like to do it. That’s the way it should be, not like they usually are: controling! I hate that, how will that make me grow as a teacher if I constantly is told what to do?? No, no, no!! But it feels great that I'm so excited about this, becuase that means I'm doing what I'm supposed to do!  So great time next week, and also I hopefully get the opportunity to teach with salary too, if I get to substitute, which I hopefully do! Money come to me!!


Got plenty of work at my supermarket too, so future looks a bit brighter!!:)


Just wish for those glasses too, would edge up my teacher look a bit!! Or maybe a should go for being  maid instead!!:)






Sometime I just dream of better places, always thinking of the future or the past. Why is it so hard to live in what is right now? Right now I’ve got loads of things to look forward to; a trip to Italy (where I’ve never been), to meet Lee (way too long ago), to go to Sevilla (my favourite city in the world so far), my new room, my new work (when I get one!!), the sun and warmth, the future and what to expect or what to not expect…Yeah exactly, so why so hard to live in what is now??!! :)



Oh, please shut up!!

Sometimes I wonder what it is about me that constantly make strangers talk to me. As a Swedish person, even though I’m far away from stereotype, we prefer not to speak in certain situation. We have to consider our space, that is like 50 cm wider than for other nationalities! Because of this I still find it annoying, strange and a bit awkward when strangers start to speak to me. Everyone knows I’m talkative, no question about that but it’s a difference between what a find to be qualitative talks and what simply is quantitative. So when people that I don’t start to talk to me on the bus, in the elevator, in the queue at the supermarket etc. I’m not very interested of the weather, their dogs, the fact that the prices gone up or that the post office now is at Ica (which has been for years now), their sick mum etc. Or like to day, I go to the public pool to have pleasant swim (which it was anyway) and this woman who I don’t know by name, keeps swimming next to me, talking as we were friends about this and that, and I just felt like pleas shut up (yes very rude, as she was just trying to be nice) but I was still exercising and her babbling was slowing me down! And what was she talking about..yes I’ve seen this person before but that does not mean I find it entertaining to hear about her daughter going with her to swim Thursday mornings…


I wonder what makes people think that it’s interesting, I wonder if they find themselves interesting or if they find their topics interesting?...Sometimes I’m wondering isn’t it better to just shut up??



I go crazy!!



Change of life

The worst thing about feeling well yourself is that many times someone else doesn’t. Worst part is when you can do nothing about it. When there’s a third person affected, a third person that I know just briefly but I still have met. It’s horrible that someone has to be hurt and sad so that I can have my happiness. Right now I feel happy, happy, happy for certain things going on in my life, but I feel like I can’t enjoy it because of that third person. And I’m sad for all that has happened, but “Lo que será, será”. And I realize there is absolutely nothing that I can do about it. So for how long am I supposed to feel like that? When have I qualified for the right of my happiness?


Can’t wait for certain things to happen, to go public with who I have met and just being able to share why I feel so glad and excited right now. To share my plans because there are a lot people asking me all the time and I can’t really say until April when I know more. So I guess I still have to wait for that... Soon Italy and then Spain at least...36 days left!


Fläskytterfilé med champinjoner (ca 4 personer)

En fläskytterfilé ca 500 g

10 färska champinjoner

½ gul lök

1 dl lätt creme fraiche

1 dl grädde

½ ädelost

Salt och peppar

Lite soya


Skär filén i tunna skivor, och stek dem i en stekpanna, lägg den därefter i ugnssäker form. Skär därefter lök och champinjoner och stek dem, tillsätt creme fraiche, grädde och ädelost, salt peppra och lite soya. Lägg detta på köttet och lägg det i ugnen. I ca 10 minuter på 225 grader.


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