X-mas dinner!!
I lordags sa fixade vi (jag, min fransyska grejade lite med stuvning i sista minuten!!) julmiddag for 13 pers! Eftersom jag grejade med all maten sjalv sa blev kanske inte kvaliten den basta: lite branda kottbullar, och omeletten blev ocksa svedd men det gjorde inte sa mycket!! Det smakade bra atminstone! Fick dock valja bort lite saker fran bordet eftersom koket inte ar sa stort och det finns bara en plat, och ugnen ar ju gas sa da kan man bara gora en sak at gangen...maste saga att det ar sjukt mycket lattare att laga mat hemma!! Fick iaf med de allra viktigaste sakerna: omelett, krustader, sill, lax med hovmastarsas, kottbullar, prinskorv, agghalvor, potatisgratang istallet for Janssons, ostbricka...sakert nat mer ocksa som jag glomt nu...och en massa snaps! Vi kopte en fardigblandad snaps med karamell-smak men sen sa gjorde jag ocksa en egen av vodka med "Salt & Blandat" i: den var inte sa popular!! Alla drack av den men det var med stort motstand!! :) Gloggen var mer gick battre hem!
Kvallen blev riktigt lyckad, massor med skratt, och massor med roliga foton som kan hittas pa facebook!
Gick aven vidare pa nan club efterrat men vi fick inte komma in for att en av killarna hade gympadojjor! Vi tankte att vi skulle vara lite smarta och byta med av killarna som kommit in, men de ville inte slappa in den har killen med andra skor heller...Efter det sa skulle jag forsoka ga in och hamta Lee for att saga till honom att vi skulle dra till nat annat stalle, men da kom inte jag heller in eftersom jag med en "dalig grupp"!! Tontigt, sa istallet blev det hemgang, klockan hade redan blivit typ 4.45 sa det var val dags...
Jag kan inte fatta att jag kommer hem snart: jag flyger hem fredag morgon! Sa vill nan traffa mig sa far ni hor av er!! Jag stannar hemma tills den 3 sen aker jag tillbaka igen. Ses snart!! Crazy dancing!!Haahahaha
Fuck jante-lagen!!
there's no words
Sing songs for me on the radioSing for me again, you sounded like rain
Sing songs for me about warm streets
Sing for me again, my heart so silent
And in my country nobody can be superior
This is Sweden and we never cry again
There are no words for this in this damn language
I have no words for us breathing, thinking, feeling the same thing
Sing for me again, you sounded like snowfall
I hold my breath with you, because I know how you feel
Sing about the times we shared a life with one look
And in our country nobody can be superior
This is Sweden, please, cry when nobody sees
There are no words for this in this damn language
I have no words for us breathing, thinking, feeling the same thing
Feel the same thing
Feel the same thing
And that will never get the chance
So many here that never saw me
And I know I've had luck like few
So many here that wanted you
But we felt the same thing
We always feel the same thing
We always feel the same thing
We always feel the same thing
det finns inga ord
Sjung sånger för mig på radion
Sjung för mig igen, du lät som regn
Sjung sånger för mig om varma gator
Sjung för mig igen, mitt hjärta tyst
Och i mitt land så får man inte vara förmer
Det här är Sverige och vi gråter aldrig mer
Det finns inga ord för det, på det här jävla språket
Jag har inga ord för att vi andas, tänker, känner samma sak
Sjung en sång utan ord om ljusa nätter
Sjung för mig igen, du lät som snöfall
Jag håller andan med dig, för jag vet hur du känner
Sjung om de gånger vi delade ett liv med en blick
Och i vårt land så får man inte vara förmer
Det här är Sverige, snälla gråt när ingen ser
Det finns inga ord för det, på det här jävla språket
Jag har inga ord för att vi andas, tänker, känner samma sak
Känner samma sak
Känner samma sak
Det är så många här som aldrig sagt nej
och som aldrig kommer få en chans
så många här som aldrig såg mig
och jag vet att jag haft tur som få
Så många här som ville ha dig
men vi kände samma sak
Vi känner alltid samma sak
Vi känner alltid samma sak
Vi känner alltid samma sak
Kolla in den!! Det är en order!!
31 reasons why you should not go to Morocco!
- Stay at a hotel (more like a hostel if you compare it to European standard) in ”Medina” which means old down, is a scary experience. The first night, we arrived about 12 by night, this guy starts to talk to us and he tells us that he is going to help us to find some food since there was some religious holiday were they slaughter sheep and the restaurants were closed because of that. Nice we think, but a bit strange, who does that in Europe?! He takes us around the filthy and narrow streets of Medina and he stops a couple of times to ask us if a hot dog will do or if we want something else, after a while we surrender our hope of some fancy food and realize that “food on the wall” (as they say in the Neatherlands) is the only food we’ll be able to get. We get these strange hot dogs and some strange minced meat (which I refused to eat) thinking that we all probably die the day after of food poisoning, but it was actually alright. After that he took us back to our hotel, and it was a really nice gesture of him to take us around. As he said: “I’m the king here, with me no one will touch you” , which felt quite good thinking of all the scary men staring at us…that leads us to point two on the list:
- The very same little trip into the forgotten streets of Casablanca there were some really nice men shouting at us: “You’re a not welcome here!” Thank you, you lit up my day!!
- Every man we met wanted to shake hands with us, not what I prefer to do in the dirtiest country I’ve ever been to. Svineflue and everything..
- We also thought that it was strange that the “guide” Sahid did not charge us for his favors..Might be a good thing though..
- I never felt so insecure and so unwelcomed at any place at any time in my life.
- The security check at the airport was ridiculous, we had to show our passports like 5 times and then we even had to fill in some form..Do I look like a terrorist?!
- At the place where we ate the first night they didn’t sell anything at all that you could drink.
- At the very same place a man finished my leftovers.
- We could always go 5 people in a Mercedes taxi but never more than 3 in “Petit taxi”, which were like Renault Clio or similar in size, since it was against the law..
- We saw at least one man taking a dump in the street… disgusting!
- We could here the awful sound of the prayers from the mosk at all times, like 5 o’clock in the morning. I prefer to wake up from my alarm clock, please.
- We saw two dead cats and a lot slum areas.
- There are only 4 (FOUR) museums in the whole country as it is “a Christian thing”!
- There were only men in the street by night: what are all the women doing?
- The second day in Casablanca we went to the mosk, and after that we wanted to find a tourist information place that was open, though it seemed like mission impossible! We asked several people for the way and all of them were very eager to show us the way by walking with us…strange. Finally we meet this guy who said he could show us the way, and we were like: “Is he really going to walk with us all the way there?” but it seemed as if he nothing better to do. So he takes us to the market place and we have a look around, after that we go to McDonald’s and we buy him dinner as a “thank you”, but he says he can show us some other places… We continue on to some park and after that we take a taxi to some other market place. Looking around there for a while we are asked if we want to have some tea and sure why not we think. The strange thing is though that this man we never met before invites us for tea at his aunt’s place: would you do that? I wouldn’t! So we go there at least and have some tea, and after that his friend comes over by car and he drives us around the city. Since he had a normal car it was quite crammed with 5 people in the back seat! We go to a museum that’s closed, then the supermarket and then back to our hotel and the whole trip takes us like 5 hours. So this random man we never met spends 5 hours on strangers, for no reason at all? Not really true, of course we expected it to cost money but we did not expect a lovely argument at the end because he thought we paid too little! I still consider Moroccan people the strangest in the world!
- We went by train to Marrakech and they didn’t even bother to close the doors of it during the whole trip.
- Wanted to use the safety belt in taxi: there are none! The taxi driver laughed at us when asking.
- There were beggars all over the place, a bit disturbing being asked for money 25 times a day.
- We were not let in the mosk either in Casablanca or in Marrakech: in Marrakech the man in the doorway was incredibly rude.
- We all know you can’t buy alcohol after 10 in Spain and that we think is silly but compare it to 8.
- Oh yeah, and you can’t buy wine or beer with your food in the restaurants!!
- There were a lot of animals in the “Souka”, the big market place in Marrakech, some nicer than others. I preferred the horses because they kept there distance even though there was not a lot joy watching them since they were so skinny they looked sick.
- The monkeys were nice looking at but I didn’t like when the vendors came up close to you like trying to put them on your shoulder or on your arm. Once one of the evil creatures started to pull my hair!! I did not appreciate that!
- But those animals were alright if you compare them to the RATTLE SNAKES! I hate snakes and everyone who knows me well, knows how bad my phobia is! Therefore I was not at all impressed by the lingering animals crawling around on the ground way to close to me, even though I found myself a bit fascinated by the whole thing, but they were incredibly scary. Once one of the vendors approached me with one of the snakes in his hand and as a natural reaction I just screamed and ran! These horrible little animals also gave plenty of nightmares this night: thanks for that!
- They really tried to sell everything at the market: there were even men with silly outfitsand hats trying to sell pictures of them.
- All people tried to rip you off at all times. Giving you prices way too high or lying of quality or giving you a price and then changing it. Especially taxi drivers.
- We asked the man of the reception of our “hotel” in Marrakech if he could tell us where to find a nice restaurant, and he told us he could take us there and that sounded alright for us. Though after going in he went with us and ordered food, and we didn’t think very much of that until he ran of and left us with the bill! Sneaky people!!
- The beds were very strange and only like 50 cm wide, which is nothing, and they had different length!
- We asked for supermarkets in Marrakech where we lived and the first time they took us to a hole in the wall where you could ask for things. The second time they said it was like a 30-minutes walk that in reality was more or less an hour walk. They don’t seem to have real big supermarkets and just ONE in such a touristic area: very strange!
- Today we had no hot water in the shower, that you can live with if it’s just once, but when the water stops running it’s worse, especially when you have shampoo in your hair!
- The arabic keybord is so strange that you can't even imagine!
Good things then:
- Nice breakfast.
- The cous-cous was the best I ever had and very cheap too.
- Cheap stuff at the market place.
- Better weather than Sevilla at the moment.
- Pink toilet paper: maybe a bit more delightful!
- No bad stomach during the whole stay: that’s fantastic!
- And in Morocco you can get served at the table at McDonald’s: that has never ever happened in Sweden at least!!
- The friendly people, most of the time!
- First class tickets on the train only 14 euro for a 3,5 hour journey.
- Relaxed atmosphere at some times at least! Our taxi driver stopped on the way to the airport to get some coffee!
View of the desert on the train.
The train station in Marrakech was at least something beautiful!
What you wouldn't do to open a bottle of wine!!
Some work I must say!!:)
Moroccan food. All of us but Michael.
Bananas are good for you!!
Vart ar julen??
Kvallen de kom gick vi och kakade tapas pa ett stalle valdigt nara mig och sa kom Michael och hans pojkvan dit och Lee och en fransman som heter Simon. Det blev en mycket rolig kvall med ganska mycket rodvin och mycket god mat. Lyckades aven med att fa en runda gratis shots!! Vid kvallningen sa ville Bjorn ga hem och sova sa han forsvann men jag, Carro och killarna drog vidare till Betis och senare in till Alfalfa dar hon fick traffa ytterligare nagra kompisar, det var helt enkelt en mycket trevlig kvall/natt!! Fredagen sa gick vi till katedralen och den var verkligen nagot att se, det var forsta gangen som jag lyckats ta mig dit sen jag kom hit. Efter den skulle vi ata lunch pa ett stalle som vi vet har bra mat men den har dagen var den inte toppen och servicen urusel: synd att man fick visa upp det... men, men... Sedan drog vi ner till vattnet och trampade vatten i en av batarna. Det var intressant tillstallning dar man verkligen fick trampa som en idiot for att inte bli pakord av de stora turistbatarna!:) Men vi klarade oss helskinnade och fortsatte eftermiddagen med att ta ett par glas pa pontonen som ligger bredvid uthyrningen. Pa kvallen gick vi hem till mig och gjorde pizza och kollade massa klipp pa youtube. Har ni sett parodierna pa Anna Anka??? Sa kul!! Kvallen var ganska lugn eftersom de var sa trotta, helt forstaligt med tanke pa deras langa resa hit!!
Lordagen sa fixade jag en massiv engelsk frukost och efter det gick vi ner pa storsta shoppinggatan for att kola utbudet lite och jag for att byta ett par byxor som gatt sonder.. Det blev nagra fynd for dem och sedan blev Starbucks. Vi satt sakert en hel timme i solen och det var sa varmt och skont, och underbart gott vader hela lordagen. Efter detta visade jag dem Alameda som ar ett av de storsta bar/club omradena har, det ar ganksa intressant omrade: mycket hippies..jag brukar inte ga dar sa ofta dock!!:) Nar vi hade sett det sa gick vi till "Real Alcázar" som ar ett arabiskt palats vilket jag inte heller hade sett innan. Det var val ganska fint men nagot overskattat maste jag nog saga...Men det ar ju olika det dar... Pa eftermiddagen hann vi aven med lite mer tapas och glass innan det var dags att aka till stationen och lamna av dem. Nu har jag verkligen hemlangtan!!
Resten av helgen har jag spenderat med Michael och Jonathan, var jattekul att fa traffa Johny (som ocksa var pa besok)! Sa nu ar det bestamt att vi ska aka till Nordirland ocksa!!:)
Imorgon ska jag aka till Marocko och vara dar tills pa sondag och da ar det den 6:e december. Veckan efter det sa ar det typ bara 12 dagar tills jag kommer hem eller nat sant!! :) Jag langtar verkligen, det ska bli sa kul och fa lite julstamning. Har nog aldrig haft sa lite julstamning i hela mitt liv: knappt nagra pepparkakor (bara om man aker till IKEA), ingen glogg, knappt nagra dekorationer pa stan, ingen vinterjacka... Dt fattas sa manga saker!! Men snart sa! Jag kommer hem den 18 dedember och aker tillbaka den 3 januari for den som vill veta.
De sista tva veckorna som jag ar har kommer jag inte att ha internet sa om man vill mig nat sa kommer det att ta tid for mig att svara! Men man kan ju ringa om det ar nagot valdigt viktigt! Tel: 0034622410569
Hoppas att allt ar bra hemma!! puss och kram