Murphy’s law
1) Jump on the train: no problem. I sit down starring at my cell playing an awfully boring game with my mp3-player plugged in. Realize in Malmö that are telling us to change train…thinking “what a fuck is this?” I’m not fond of carrying to bags around but what to do…I jump off I go to the new train and I find out my seat is far away from my bag (feeling a bit peculiar about leaving it unattended). Not only that’s far away but of course someone sits there…”Excuse me, this is my seat”…”This is a commuting train, they don’t do reserved seats here”…”That’s very funny since my ticket says otherwise, but fine”…I can’t be bothered to fight about it so I just go, and then they tell us there is more room in the next train so I change one more time. Of course, they had to wait for this extra train during 25 mins. so of course I was delayed down to the airport…Didn’t matter that much since I had about 2 hours but it was still annoying.
2) At the airport I go to Starbucks to have my favourite Chai Tea Latte. The woman on other side of the desk tells me the smallest one is 41 DKR, I was thinking it was bloody expensive (about 6 euros) but yet another time I can’t be bothered since I really want it…though unfortunately they don’t know how to make one in Copenhagen: It was so badly made I had to throw it away…
3) Getting to check-in desk the person on the other side of the counter starts to act a bit strangely. He tells me that I’m not on the passengers’ list…Fuck, fuck, fuck!! “Why?” I ask of course…and I tell him I missed my flight on the way over…He disappears and tries to sort it out but he says I have to go on my on and talk to the company. I go over there and I start to talk to the woman who is only talking in Danish, not that strange since I was in Denmark but I hate their mumbling dodgy dialect that’s impossible to understand correctly! Anyway, she tells me I need to buy a new ticket since I missed the first one. I ask very politely “Why the fuck is that?? I already paid for this flight once!!” And she just tells me that “it’s the rules of Spanair”…and I say FUCK THEM but once again, what to do I buy a new ticket!! So this flight ended on 200 euros more!! Remind me to never ever miss a flight again!
4) When I have finally finished my checking-in I go to have some to eat. I see a lovely prawn-sandwich and I buy it together with a glass of red wine and pay 15 euros for it. It’s robbing eating at airports! Once again I’m disappointed with the Danish kitchen that is obviously not good for anything! And since it took me so much time to get my new ticket I didn’t even have time for finishing it before I had to go the gate.
5) When there though, there’s some kind of problem with the boarding-pass machine so the flight is delayed.
6) Later on the plane I find out it’s delayed because of the bad weather… so due to that I only had 15 mins to change flights!!
7) I manage to get on last minute, though this flight was also delayed…who is screwing me over today?
8) I arrive at Sevilla airport to find out my luggage is missing!
9) I go out to wait for the bus and just missed the first one…so I have to wait for another 30 mins.
10) I arrive in Prado about 11.15 by night and it’s pouring rain! Lovely! And of course I have to wait about 10 mins before I can get a cab that, of course, over-charges me!
11) Today I still haven’t got my bag and they have no information of where it might be…
12) Worst part of this? In the bag are all the books I need to finish my 2x20 pages essays that I have to finish before the weekend! Someone is really screwing me over and it’s not appreciated! DAMN SPANAIR!
My God! Someone is really screwing you over, sis!
Fy satan, vad jag hade blivit förbannad!!! Och inte hjälper det, men jag hade nog både svurit och sparkat av ilska. Och förresten, vem fattar danska??
Hoppas du kan glömma denna resa så snart som möjligt och njuta av sista tiden i Sevilla!!
Kramar Anna
haha... liknande sak hände mig, fast med iberia, till sevilla. och jag lovade mig själv att aldrig flyga med dem igen.