B-day party and surprises!

The Saturday night I was talking to Lee and we’re joking about him coming to Seville earlier…but as the flights were like over a 100 euro it was just a question of dreaming of course. So we decided to speak yesterday as Michael and I had a b-day party for me at his place, as there is where I am staying right now! So we drank A LOT, too much to be honest and there were loads of people…and it was really fun. We had great plans of going out as always but as Michael had as a mission to get me as drunk as possible, and of course he had equally much or more we didn’t really come around to actually go out! One by one most of the people dropped out but w somehow with a few others managed to stay til about 6 o’clock in the morning!! And OMG for some reason I had decided to finish the vodka-drowned watermelon about this time and also to open a new bottle of red wine at about 5 which were decisions I later had to regret! But you live and learn!! Hahaha..


So when I woke up today at 11.30 I felt sick, as the matter of a fact I still feel sick and now it’s 2 am!! Anyway I turned on laptop and saw that I had message from my sister where it only said “Call me” and nothing else..me getting a bit panic-ey as always when I get too short messages really thought something had happened, especially as also had 2 missed calls from a withheld number..And that’s usually hospitals in Sweden…Though life was much less complicated when I called her and there no one dead or sick it was just a worried sister who wondered how I was sorting things in Sevilla!! Good times! Then it’s next surprise, as I knew it was already passed 9.30 and Lee wasn’t there I supposed that he did the sensible thing and did not buy an expensive ticket to get here before my b-day, but so was not the case! J For real he had bought a ticket, went to the airport, checked in the luggage, and was waiting to go and then this f_cking stupid ash cloud appeared once again!! So once again the flight was cancelled in Bologna and he had to go home…So if I was mad at Iceland last time when we couldn’t go to Sevilla on time, I’m pretty much: a lot more mad this time!! But at least he will get here Wednesday instead of Friday which is a good thing and I have he best, most romantic boyfriend ever!! I would have loved that surprise, and then my 20 h long hung over would have passed a lot quicker!! Seriously: why Iceland? I can’t believe your messing with my plans again, I went to you and paid a fairly good amount of money to visit you and you are just ditching me like this!! No, no, no!!


So this has been a long day…got a really nice surprise around 6 o’clock at least: Ryan and Konrad came by Michael’s flat and played guitar for us during an hour or so! That’s one those things that just don’t happen in Sweden!! Yet another reason to love Spain!



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